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How to make the most of events

Going to a scientific event? Get tips and advice on networking,presentations, time management and more.

WHATEVER THE scientic subject or trend, there will be a conference or event to promote and explore it. All over the world, and in every discipline, there are opportunities to deliver ideas,discover the impacts of new research and look for new career avenues. But to get the most outof scientic conferences and events it pays to be prepared.Being equipped with prior knowledge of what the conference offers can ensure you get the most out of attending. ChristineMcCary, chair of employment concerns at the US National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS), had first-hand experience

of the benefits of preparation at a recent event. When she approached the person presenting a poster of interest, she was expecting to speak to a fellow student, but instead discovered the presenter was a senior scientist from the student’s lab. Fortunately,she’d read up on the research before hand. “We ended up talking for about an hour,” she says. “It was a great experience.” ....

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